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Location: North Carolina, United States

40-something college-educated woman with two children, widowed, remarried, employed, professional volunteer

Friday, September 02, 2005

My Portrait

A traveling artist passing through Tharbad sketched this for me for a few silver pennies. Her name, Morgan Fitzsimmons, like the accent here, sounded strange to my ears. They speak the common tongue here of course, but it is more rustic, and the names of the people and places echo a language older than Westernesse. Her home,, sounded even stranger than her name, but it also sounded like a place a tired soldier might find, uh, rest.



Blogger Roberto Iza Valdes said...

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6:01 PM, November 22, 2005  
Blogger Mary Joan said...

No, I'm actually very girlie, though it's been fun exploring my masculine side. Believe it or not, I am working on another post, albeit slowly. It will cover the Council of Elrond, which is very detailed, strictly canon, and in the book, prominently features Boromir. I hope to get it up at the latest by the end of Christmas vacation.

I clicked on your blog. You are from the St. Bernard Parish? I have many in-laws and friends in the N.O. region.

If you would like to be notified when I post another chapter of Boromir's blog, post or e-mail me at your e-mail address.

5:34 AM, November 23, 2005  

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