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Location: North Carolina, United States

40-something college-educated woman with two children, widowed, remarried, employed, professional volunteer

Friday, September 02, 2005


Here are some of the other character's blogs written by various authors (see, I am not alone in my craziness):

Pippin's Blog

Strider's blog

Eomer's diary

Sam's diary

At this time, Pippin's author is busy with her freshman year of college and is on a bit of a hiatus. She is also compiling Strider's blog, though it is written by someone else, and that too is behind. For more on Strider's blog visit

Select the Prancing Pony board, set your preferences to read back through about August 1st, and to "threaded." Look for the title "Strider's Blog".

All of our blogs are posted and discussed on the Prancing Pony message board. Visitors are welcome and encouraged.

If I get sufficiently motivated and no one else grabs them first, I will start blogs for Gimli and Legolas as well.


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