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Location: North Carolina, United States

40-something college-educated woman with two children, widowed, remarried, employed, professional volunteer

Saturday, August 20, 2005

July 12, 3018, Edoras, Rohan

I passed through the Eastfold of Rohan without incident. It has been some time since I traveled these lands, and the people are more suspicious of strangers than they used to be, but men of Gondor are still welcome here. I arrived in Edoras yesterday, and it looks somewhat shabbier than I remember it. Theoden, their king, is old, and his hall and his city have aged with him.

I took audience at once with the King of the Mark. There also were his son and heir Theodred, his brother's son Eomer, and other men of his household. I warned them of the threat to their lands near the Anduin and their duty to guard the Northern marches, and they made plans to remove their herdsmen who wander there. I also learned that there have been skirmishes with orcs out of the mountains and hillmen to the west. It seems that Rohan has much of its own trouble of late.

At long whiles they have been on friendly terms with the wizard Saruman in the tower of Orthanc to the west, but this news troubled me. I do not know what control he has over the Dunlendings, but orcs at least should fear a wizard. If they walk boldly through his lands, then perhaps they do so with his leave. I do not trust wizards.

There was also another I did not trust, the king's adviser Grima. Groveling and flattering he seemed, always saying what one wanted to hear, not what one needed. For that reason, and because the king himself is hoary with age, I am taking dinner tonight with Theodred and Eomer alone. Their people hailed from the North long ago, and I wish to discuss the matter of the dream with them when we are alone, perhaps after a few ales. They can share the words with their king when they feel it is appropriate, as they know his advisor better than I.



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