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Location: North Carolina, United States

40-something college-educated woman with two children, widowed, remarried, employed, professional volunteer

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

June 29, 3018, West Osgiliath

I had Faramir's dream last night. It was just as he described, down to the last word. Very strange.

In other matters, we have sent forces as far north as Cair Andros to defend the shores of the Anduin. Above that is the impassable Entwash, and beyond that, the East Emnet of Rohan.

Postscript: I spoke with Faramir about the dream. That was when he told me that he had had the dream every night since the attack on Osgiliath. I am not one to put much stock in occult whisperings or children's tales, preferring to place my trust in sharp swords and stone fortresses, but these words portend more than just the skirmish of the 20th. They speak of the doom of Gondor. I do not know of what use a broken sword could be for Gondor, but if there is someone or something that can aid Gondor in her time of need, we should seek it. I do not doubt the strength and courage of our men, but there is a greater power to the East that I cannot name. I would not see all our long years of toil brought to nothing and our fair cities left in ruin.

Since Faramir and I cannot decipher the words of the dream, we have resolved to bring it to Father, who is wise in the lore of Gondor.



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